
Village of Grant Park Multi-Use Path


Village of Grant Park

Services Provided:

Surveying, Preliminary Engineering I & II, Grant Application Assistance, Construction Engineering, Grant Administration Assistance, Project Closeout

Total Construction Cost:


Funding Sources:

$417,410 IDOT ITEP Grant

Project Description:

The Village of Grant Park’s multi-use path will help to accommodate pedestrian and cyclist traffic along IL Route 1/17 for access to the east commercial district of the Village, including the only grocery store within walking distance for its residents. This proposed improvement would greatly increase public safety as pedestrians and cyclists are currently utilizing the north paved shoulder of IL Route 1/17. In addition, this project will also provide ADA compliant access to the commercial district from the existing Village of Grant Park sidewalk network.

The multi-use path is along IL Route 1/17 (East Taylor Street) connecting N. Hamilton Drive to 275’ East of N. Hilgert Drive on IL Route 1/17.

Along with the Village of Grant Park, we’re designing, constructing, and installing new curbs and gutters, ADA ramps, crosswalks, striping, signage, and street repairs. With our help, the Village of Grant Park can better serve their residents by providing more safe accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists to the east commercial district.

Find out more about all of the services we provide here.

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